Grandparents hold a significant role in a child’s life, with the potential to create a unique and cherished bond. Drawing from personal experience, have countless childhood memories with my grandmother including sleepovers, family holidays at her home, and our shopping trips. She served as the matriarch of our family and enriched my life through these shared experiences and our strong connection.
Additionally, grandparents can provide vital support and serve as positive role models. Research also indicates that children derive special emotional and mental benefits from their relationships with grandparents, even if they may not initially recognize the value. As time passes and the bond deepens, both generations come to appreciate this connection. As a mother, observing my children’s interactions with their grandparents fills me with happiness.
Here are some ways to cultivate and sustain a meaningful relationship between children and their grandparents:
- Having regular communication. Maintaining consistent communication is crucial, and any shifts in circumstances can affect the level of closeness. With technology now-a-days, it has made it easier to communicate with one another even if you are not in close proximity. This could be through video-chat, phone calls, text and, social media.
- Learning from one another. Despite the generational gap, everyone brings something to the table. Grandparents have life experiences that the younger generation can learn from and vice versa. From passing down values and traditions, sharing family photos and recipes, to teaching grandparents how to use technology. If there is unconditional love and a genuine interest in one another, you can bond over anything.
- Having boundaries and communication between adults. It is important for parents and grandparents to be on the same page when it comes to factors such as safety, rules, and expectations to avoid confusing the child or being caught in the middle. Everyone involved should be understanding and be secure in their role within the family.
Hillary Aponte-Chimelis, LPC, PMH-C, R-PLC
Emotional Compass
4641 Pottsville Pike, suite 101B
Reading, PA 19605
Phone: 484-509-1038