This message is for you, the ladies who have the dream of having your own business but have no idea where to start. Don’t worry, many of us were there and by taking one step at a time we discovered how to align our desires with reality and with our capabilities. Here I will provide some tips to help you get organized.
Keep in mind that the things that catch your interest and motivation and the things that make you happy are sometimes indicators that you can use to discover what you would like to do. Another thing to remember is that not all of our population’s needs are being met. This means that there are many opportunities to create businesses that satisfy these needs. The things that you complain about or that you hear others complaining about are many times opportunities that we do not recognize if we are not thinking like a businesswoman, but from now on you will be aware of it and you will find opportunities.
Once you recognize the need, and discover that it aligns with your interests, values, or experience, you have taken the first step in this path, which is to discover what you want to do. However, recognizing the need, and knowing that you are interested in helping in that area is not enough. You must also commit to learn what is required, take the necessary actions, and take measured risks. For most people it is more comfortable and easier not to take risks because this implies letting go of what they think they have and walking into the unknown, but I assure you that the greatest risk you can take is precisely not taking risks and inhibiting yourself from the learning, growth, and training opportunity that starting a business will give you. Ladies, it is time to open your eyes, discover the need that you can satisfy, and prepare to start your first business.
Raidily A. Lopez,
Real Estate Investor