Summer is around the corner and that usually means vacations trips & traveling. Traveling long distances can be tough on your body. Long periods sitting in cramped positions on airplanes can cause stiff joints, back and neck pain. So, it is a good idea to visit your Chiropractor before and after a long trip.
Carrying heavy luggage and backpacks could cause minor sprain and strains if you are not careful. Also trying to keep up with a vacation itinerary can also be stressful, and of course the lack of sleep can be damaging to your body as well. Plus, if you have a pre-existing spine condition turbulence and excessive vibrations can irritate bulging discs and cause intense nerve pain.
Visiting your chiropractor first, beside just maintenance to your spine, you will have an increased-on mobility and you can benefit of some stretches.
Here are some helpful tips to avoid injuries: Do stretches like ankle circles, foot pumps, knee lifts, and neck rolls. You can also use a neck pillow, back pillow a sweater or roll up a blanket for some back support. Something very important is to make sure that you keep your head straight when the airplane is taking off or landing.
During a long flight you will be exposed to many of these situations, one of the best things you can do after a long trip is to visit your chiropractor. A spinal adjustment will help you to alleviate any pain that you may be experiencing during your trip, plus it will help you relax and sleep well. You need to be renewed and pain free after your vacation and a simple adjustment can give you just that.
Schedule your chiropractor appointments before and after you flight and be free of pain.
Dr. Thomas P. Canseco, Chiropractor
Fit Vida Chiropractic
4453 Penn Ave.
Sinking Spring
PA 19608
Phone: 610-750-6804