Without a doubt the pandemic forced change into many including myself, however, not all change was bad. As an essential manufacturing plant employee, the one hobby that keeps me sane and gives me an escape from my busy work life is traveling. The year before I had taken my first cross-the-world trip to Italy, and it had ignited this desire to keep exploring in every corner of the world. All this came to a halting stop with the pandemic, as things worsened it felt like there was no end in sight.
Nights I would sit in disappointment wondering when I would be able to plan my next trip. That is, until I took a work trip to California for a month. During this time, (mid or end-pandemic -who’s counting) I learned the beauty of traveling in the U.S to nearby towns, cities, and national parks.
During the weekends of my stay, I would escape to several outdoor activities that were safe and practiced social distancing. I visited Sequoia &Yosemite National Park, San Diego, San Francisco, and drove for hours on Highway 1. All these locations allowed me to be away from crowds and take in the scenic routes by car or on foot!
With this experience, I learned to find the value of traveling within the US, to appreciate the beauty and natural wonders that have been available to me all along.
If you haven’t thought about traveling within the US, you are missing out! The US holds 63 National Parks to explore, and it can be a fun cost-effective getaway no matter who you are!
Dayana K. Blandon
Human Resources Manager