As much as I love speaking and training as a Professional Speaker is as much as I use to love playing football back in my athlete days. However, I had one BIG problem. I used to get so focused on being busy, I’d forget to be better! My job was to get to the Quarterback (the guy throwing the ball) and I could get so busy fighting the guy trying to stop me I’d forget to use my moves. I later realized, good players had a move… great players had a countermove and were playing chess! This is the same for you professionally and personally!
Are you so “Busy” being “Busy” getting things done; droning about on auto-pilot or worse. Perhaps complaining about the job, life, and relationships you’ve chosen that you don’t have a move or have worked on your superpower? Or do you have a move that makes you an asset instead of a liability? What is it?
Leaders also have a countermove or two. As they anticipate their move not working in the future or possibly becoming obsolete. They develop other moves to get them to their definition of success. For example, you were great at your job pre-COVID… things have changed over the past years regarding your job, expectations, and the needs of who you’re serving. You met your significant other and what they need most from you now is different from what they needed and enjoyed in the beginning. What’s your countermove to stay a leader, stay great, and be of best impact? Remember leaders marry what they want to do and give with what the person/boss/employee/client/customer needs most right now. Do that consistently… and it’s hard to lose!
Enjoy your new move and your evolution! Click to enhance Leadership & Work/Life Harmony for your leaders, employees, teams, and organization with Andre Young at your site, virtual, online, or 1-on-1!
Andre Young
Founder at You Evolving Now