Most entrepreneurs I know and people in professional positions of leadership would like to grow their businesses and evolve their organizations and teams as they march into the future. Growing your business may mean adding new clients/customers, increasing your revenue, expanding geographically, etc. Evolving your organization may mean adding new services, eliminating services, trainings for your people, strategic planning, injecting the right people for the desired culture of your organization, and more! This can all be a whirlwind, so what’s an easy concept for you and your organization to be mindful of? A Leader’s 3 C’s: Create, Close, & Calm!
If you’re reading this, CONGRATS to you for the position you hold within your organization or as an entrepreneur; it’s taken a lot of hard work and personal drive to get where you are! Create, is the first C; as it’s monumentally important for you to continue to “Create, Create, Create.” This is what I use to yell from the stands as my son’s played basketball. It’s your job as a leader to create opportunities for your people, your organization, and yourself!
For Your People – Opportunities are created through growth and evolution. As the company grows and evolves you will need more people to fill seats, and also rise to the ranks of manager, supervisor, director, etc. Remember, this is great, but that doesn’t mean they know how to lead. Leadership involves your people knowing how to positively influence, impact lives professionally and personally, protect their people and the organization, make decisions, and maintain high standards. This is a skill and can be learned, but not without YOU as a leader providing the opportunity!
As a leader it’s our job to create opportunities for our people; whether it’s with our organization or beyond. No one will ever forget who helped them become great… they will either be a benefit for our organization or to someone else’s.’ Many leaders have an issue with the latter; training people, making them better, only for them to leave! The truth is… as you begin to train your people, you will have the “great problem” of having a surplus of talent, and there’s not always enough opportunity to go around. Leaders must be OK with losing good people… it’s a win-win. You’ve benefitted your company with a great training system, great people, and have now become a “Gold-Star Name” for people to have on their resume that the world will respect. Not Bad!
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Andre Young
Founder at You Evolving Now