Most parents say they love their children unconditionally, that is beautiful but also a complex phrase! It is said many times without thinking about its meaning and what it entails.
Unconditional love is the feeling and action of loving another person without considering the consequences, disappointments, or frustrations. Parents want the best for their children, but always within the framework of what they believe is right. They do not realize that children are adults in training. Each of them is a world. Although they impart the same discipline and the same values, ??they will adapt them to their world.
The mission should be to guide them so that they learn to make decisions and assume responsibilities. These decisions will include everything from their clothing style to their sexual preferences. Support, discipline, and teaching in decision making must be present. You should not decide for them. They have every right to be happy and happiness is relative. They should not feel intimidated in the family nucleus. Children are not the reflection or shadow of their parents. They have their own reflection and their own shadow. If you accept your children as they are then you can say that you love them unconditionally.
María M. García, BA, MA