Sometimes people help lift other people by posting quotes, or positive sayings. Which normally sounds good and healthy right? But what if it’s all fake? Or what if you now feel like a failure instead. Let’s find out how to handle it either way.
When a person sees another person’s constant post where she/he is living a perfect or always positive life this doesn’t always motivate others. Actually, it may create the opposite effect. Some start feeling better about themselves but what about the many that start feeling worse about themselves and their lives. They start to think things like; “Look how she/he is living her perfect life of eating out, traveling and I can’t afford that, and I’m stuck here cooking once again.” Does any of this sound familiar? I will dare to say that more than 50% of it is *#@& because everyone is not 100% happy. And this is why we need to be careful who you admire, follow, or look up to. You may need to decide if it’s helping or making it worse for you and how to handle it?
I have news for you lots of the people you follow on social media are not truly authentic. Most are trying to sell you something! Yup, I said it. I know this is where your jaw starts to drop, and you start asking why is Rosa being negative? Then next after that, I’m sure you will start judging me by saying things like; “I think Rosa is hating on someone or she is obviously jealous of someone”. Nope! You got it all wrong. I’m trying to help you learn to find the correct mentors, not the fake ones. I’m stating this because I personally have seen a person screaming at her husband over the phone because he forgot to do something simple and in the same breath, she went into her gallery of pics, found a picture with her husband, and posted the picture on social media saying; “Isn’t my husband the best”. Then she turned around and said my husband is just a dweeb, he can’t get anything right”. So now what Rosa? How to determine if you are following a fake person or someone simply trying to sell you something?
Number one is if this person posts several times a day about their perfect life and not really teaching you how to grow then that might be an indicator. If the post screams “look at me, look at what I’m doing” then that’s exactly what it’s about them and not you. As you know we all barely have time to sit and have a decent meal with our family let alone be perfect on camera 10 times a day? Yes, not even famous people are not living the life you think and yes, they are trying to sell you something. Maybe not today but tomorrow for sure.
Second, if they are always poetic. If they are constantly quoting like they were some poetic writer. They don’t even credit who wrote the quote because they want you to believe it came from them.
Thirdly I feel and it’s the most important one, do you know what they truly do for a living? What they truly do when they are not posting? Do they post all dolled up but every time you see them in person they look like a hot mess? Do they act like an entrepreneur, but they secretly have like several jobs just to stay afloat and want to appear as they are living the dream life?
People the pressure to fit in has been exacerbated by the technology age because we’re bombarded with messages on who to be, what to want, and how we should express ourselves. They make it seem like wanting to be yourself is boring vs authentic. Be you, do you, and be careful who you admire, don’t be a follower but a leader.
Rosa Julia Parra