For the first time for many generations, we are facing a process of restriction and isolation worldwide. Something that the simple eye cannot see but that is causing devastation in countries on large scales; they call it COVID-19. It arrived without being expected and put a stop to the clock of many. Among all the negative, I just want to emphasize the positive that this virus is leaving us, which keeps us captive in our homes but at the same time gives us a great opportunity to become better people.
Everything big became small and the small big. God is turning the negative into the positive. For the first time, many people were able to realize that everything material and having to do with work fell into a second-place and maintaining health became the priority. For the very first time, I see people rearranging their priorities hallelujah!
I see an invasion in the networks of people preaching, praying, dancing, families together cooking, inventing games among many other things. I see people exploiting their creativity. I stopped seeing arguments for beliefs, religion, and politics, etc. I see through the media how nature is renewing itself, less pollution, less contamination, the land is being renewed for the first time in decades and that is great. So what should we each do? We must decide to only see the positive in the situation, to pray for the people who have lost a loved one, for those who have to go out to work, for the health professionals who expose themselves to help in the midst of this pandemic.
We need to believe that when everything ends we will leave our homes again, becoming people who live with purpose and not without meaning. Let us ask God to do his will and to increase our faith in the process. Because as his word says: I shall not die, but I shall live, and recount the deeds of the Lord. Psalm 118:17 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV).
Ginny Medina