When I was a kid, during my elementary years all my lessons were teacher-oriented and sometimes they were boring. We had to pay close attention, kept quiet and tried not to fall sleep in class. Since my attention span is not that long when something is boring, I always in those long and boring classes ended losing track of the topic and in that exact moment, I went to a hybrid world part reality and part imagination.
I remember situations like the teacher talking about the pyramids in Egypt and I was asking myself questions like how tall are they compared to my height? What real color are they? But without any visual aid, it was hard to have an answer to those questions. Time passed, and the technology got better in class, and some teachers started using interactive books, videos and more exciting techniques to present their lessons. I used to love those classes when the teacher innovated but it wasn’t enough.
Not too long ago, I bought Virtual reality glasses called Oculus Quest. I installed an app called Wander that allows access virtually to diverse places in the world, and guess what place was the first I went to visit virtually? You guessed well, I went to Egypt to visit the pyramids of Giza, it was a magic moment. That made me think about how exciting this current time is for kids to learn compared with my student days. What is that place you wanted to visit when you were a child?
Until next time…
Leonardo Martinez
Smartz Studios