Ever since I can remember I was taught that women need to support other women. I truly believe and continue to practice this. I have been super supportive, giving other women opportunities to grow alongside me and I’ve grown alongside other women as well. However, no one prepares you for when other women aren’t being supportive of you in return.
Once a woman stood on a stage where I was to speak right after her and during her turn I listened quietly to her message. I was respectful while it was her turn even though I didn’t agree with her message as it was supposed to be inspirational to the community and all she did was mention her husband’s business, and the organization she is trying to get memberships for. However, when it was my turn to speak she faded into the crowd, gave her back to the stage and started speaking with others distracting the audience and totally disrespecting the fact that I was on stage. Yet on social media, she is constantly either liking my post and or commenting positively on my post. I know she only does this to gain my audience and engage with my followers and look like she is supportive to women.
Just earlier that day I heard that same woman tell another individual not to work with another person, and I know it’s solely based on the fact that she doesn’t like that other individual. And sadly that other individual is doing wonderful things for our community and has never been involved in anything negative. You see it’s all just about power, or what she believes to be power.
Did you know that it’s considered un-ladylike for me to even mention this? They tell you that it’s un- lady like because you will sound like a negative Nancy. However what I feel is unladylike is to allow, tolerate, or support women such as her. I have decided to walk away from negative and fake supporters; women or men alike. I will NOT support you if I feel you are being disrespectful to my person, my business & especially my community. I have a debt to myself for life and it’s to be able to look myself in the mirror every day, to be true to the company I represent and the people that look up to me, and to our community.
If someone doesn’t give you a good vibe give yourself permission to walk away, block them, delete them, and just simply walk away. There are plenty of other women waiting to be encouraged & mentored. Focus your energy on those wonderful women.