It is a manifestation of personality, which is expressed in exaggerated reactions to external influences. And what is the Anger? It is the annoyance or movement of the mind that provokes anger.
Anger and irritability alter interpersonal and family relationships and can have a negative influence on our daily lives, leading to say things that you will be ashamed or feel guilty of, so your self-esteem will decrease, and you will feel that you have no control over your own emotions. Irritability becomes a problem when it is too intense, happens frequently, lasts too long, spoils relationships/jobs and particularly when it leads to aggression.
Getting too angry is not useful. Imagine driving your vehicle and you are in a traffic jam due to road works, you may think “what a disaster” “I will be late because of this”. You may think that others are the cause of your problem and the reality is that “YOU ARE THE ONE WHO GENERATES ALL THE RAGE THAT EXPERIENCES”, is the perception that you have of the situation and the thoughts that cause your emotional response. Learning to replace these distorted or erroneous thoughts with more realistic and functional ones will make you less irritable and more self-controlled.
Relaxation and self-control methods can help reduce feelings of irritability. To reduce symptoms, it is important to control breathing. Try the following for 2-3 minutes, breathe slowly and deeply through the nose and exhale through the mouth at a steady rate.
- Do things you enjoy.
- Get enough sleep.
- Maintain a balanced diet.
- Exercise often.
- Calm down and listen to the other person.
- Do not rush into conclusions.
- Try to express or talk about what your feelings really are.
By Julio C Jiménez (MFT)
Reading Behavioral Health Center, Inc