Every day we are more connected, we have more devices, we have more access to information, the new generation is adapting to technology younger than ever, it is becoming more common because we understand and use technology for everyday tasks. Possibilities are limitless but with this abundance of options, we are overwhelmed as a parent to keep up with our kids.
You can install apps that track and control all the activity that the kids do every day but there are situations where it is not enough. We have best intentions but simply it is too much to do and we have very little time to do it and because of that many times they are all by themselves on the Internet. So, today my intention is to introduce to you a website that is trying to educate kids and parents on how to be safe on the Internet.
BE INTERNET AWESOME is a website created by Google that has as a main goal to teach the fundamentals about how to behave and how to be safe while kids are online.
This website explains by playing games the following concepts:
- Share with Care: what information can the kid share and with whom.
- Don’t Fall for Fake: how to identify a scam and look for help.
- Secure Your Secrets: How to create passwords to secure your information.
- It’s Cool to Be Kind: Respect everyone online.
- When in Doubt, Talk It Out: When you feel uncomfortable online ask for help.
I recommend this website because you empower your kids to make the best decision and use their best judgment in being safe. So, I encourage you to have a look at BE INTERNET AWESOME – beinternetawesome.withgoogle.com and expend some time learning with your kids.
Until next time…
Leo Martinez