One of the most common mistakes and health hazards of aging is not the loss of aerobic capacity, but the loss of metabolic capacity that comes with the decrease of lean muscle mass and ability to burn fat. Adults can accomplish greater health and fitness gains by building muscle versus just running. Once you start building lean muscle you increase the ability to burn fat for fuel. There are two ways you can achieve this and, when done in combination, is even more effective.First, implementing steady state cardio for 15-30 minutes post workout or fasted (before eating), in the morning. An easy way to know if you’re in a fat burning mode for cardio is the talk test. You should be able to hold a conversation or maintain a heart rate of 180 minus your age as the maximum heart rate to burn the most fat.
Second, increase your frequency of strength training. As we age the best thing we can do is to start lifting weights rather than choosing to run or any other cardiovascular activity. It is ideal to do both in combination, but the proportion of weight training should increase as you age. Building muscle alone causes your heart to pump harder, your lungs to breathe in more fully causing your liver to clear more toxins and all your other organs to function better and thus burn fat and calories more effectively.
The secret to having your body work for you as a fat burning machine and not against you is to combine the items we just discussed into a lifestyle. This lifestyle will help your metabolism increase in a part of your life that normally it is decreasing. If you are looking to incorporate this into your life I encourage you to join us for our next Clean and Lean 30-Day Challenge. Registration for our June 30-Day Challenge is now open here:
Best Health,
Josh Boettner & Lisa Dickson