As women, we know what the glass ceiling represents and how difficult it is to break through it. For Latina women, the glass that ceiling is made out of happens to be double paned; Twice the thickness of a normal sheet of glass; much harder to crack, let alone shatter. Yet, does being a double minority means that we are set back, never to attain the success of other women or men in the workplace? Absolutely not! It simply means that we have to push through societal and self-imposed cultural limitations to attain the success we are after.
Currently, it is estimated that only 6.4% of CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies are female and the number of those being Latina is scarce. What that also shows is progress. At one time, the glass ceiling was impenetrable for women in the workplace. Regardless of their education, talents, and experiences, they would never be able to reach positions that ranked high on the rungs of the corporate ladder. Fast forward to where we are today, and you see more women holding highly respected corporate positions.
The successes Latinas are having in the workforce can be attributed to cultural shifts in education, personal limitations, and stereotypes. Encouraging young Latinas from early on to pursue an education and attain careers in fields that may not be the traditional norm is important. Not only does this lift the personal limitations that were culturally prevalent, it also helps to promote the pursuit of a higher education allowing Latinas to see that they can aspire to learn; graduate high school and attends college with the intent of attaining a career. Perseverance and the will to succeed will smash that glass, leaving a world of opportunity open for generations of Latinas to come.
By Liz Epps