The Gift of Experiences or more Stuff?
For the most part December is dedicated to giving gifts, but also for me it equals to stress. Don’t misunderstand me I love gifts especially surprises however as I’m getting older and wiser it seems I have less things that I must have. I think we are already drowning in a lot of materialistic things. I now value more experiences and vacations then I value stuff.
Statics say that we have and consume twice as many material goods than we did 50 years ago, but strangely enough we are less happy. We have too much clutter. What do you think all this materialistic clutter leads to? Stress, a lot of additional stress; you know that kind of stress I’m referring to; when you can’t find your keys, your glasses, gloves and now your entire day seems ruined. It’s been proven that material stuff does NOT equal happiness, but experience does. (Well the good ones of course).
So this year as you are reviewing your gift list try thinking of shared experiences as gifts. They don’t need to be expensive either; shared experiences can be as simple as time spent together just bonding. This Christmas don’t just get your child a materialistic gift also give them a gift of experience. When I say a gift of experience this is what I mean; perhaps a local attraction season passes (my kids love these), family vacations, memberships to parks, theaters, bowling, skating, movie night packages, if it’s for mom and dad maybe a day of pampering, or you can baby sit so they can go on a date night, or just a day to sleep in; those are my favorite.
Don’t forget that experiences don’t take up space, only in your heart, soul and your memories. Snap pictures of these experiences, and don’t worry, they won’t take up space as pictures use to back in the days. Merry Christmas, & Happy Holidays!
For the most part December is dedicated to giving gifts, but also for me it equals to stress. Don’t misunderstand me I love gifts especially surprises however as I’m getting older and wiser it seems I have less things that I must have. I think we are already drowning in a lot of materialistic things. I now value more experiences and vacations then I value stuff.
Statics say that we have and consume twice as many material goods than we did 50 years ago, but strangely enough we are less happy. We have too much clutter. What do you think all this materialistic clutter leads to? Stress, a lot of additional stress; you know that kind of stress I’m referring to; when you can’t find your keys, your glasses, gloves and now your entire day seems ruined. It’s been proven that material stuff does NOT equal happiness, but experience does. (Well the good ones of course).
So this year as you are reviewing your gift list try thinking of shared experiences as gifts. They don’t need to be expensive either; shared experiences can be as simple as time spent together just bonding. This Christmas don’t just get your child a materialistic gift also give them a gift of experience. When I say a gift of experience this is what I mean; perhaps a local attraction season passes (my kids love these), family vacations, memberships to parks, theaters, bowling, skating, movie night packages, if it’s for mom and dad maybe a day of pampering, or you can baby sit so they can go on a date night, or just a day to sleep in; those are my favorite.
Don’t forget that experiences don’t take up space, only in your heart, soul and your memories. Snap pictures of these experiences, and don’t worry, they won’t take up space as pictures use to back in the days. Merry Christmas, & Happy Holidays!